What is more joyful than a windowsill full of pumpkins on an Autumn’s day?
Or in this case, three little white pumpkins!
Our daughter saw a photo of my pumpkins and requested that I save her the white pumpkins…I’ve bleached these grain sacks more than once, but can’t consider them a true white yet, but she did. Now they’re waiting on the windowsill for her to take them home.
Lately, you may have missed my presence here on the blog, but instead of writing I’ve been sewing pumpkins. Every year my husband sets up a booth at a local Fall Festival, and I’ve started adding pumpkins, as a draw for the ladies, to add to his wares.
I was thankful, we both were, that they were well received, and people request them yearly. I only add a few because this isn’t a Craft Fair, the goal is to offer primitive goods and vintage wares with an addition of a few handmades.
So far, so good!

A few of the pumpkins for sale, off they’ll go in the old Ford pickup truck…made from grain, feed and seed sacks from the early 1900’s, and most with real stems. Remember, this is a country fair, and grain sacks are en trend every year!
The velvet pumpkins, not so much…
I’ve always enjoyed a great country fair, is this something you attend as well?
Right next to the pumpkin patch and pumpkin picking, Fall cannot start without a good dose of “down home and homemade”…AND caramel corn from a huge barrel!
AND apple cider and donuts!!
Tell me, what would be the first thing/booth you run to at a country fair?

I’m getting off track…
I did want to jump on today, and wish you all a beautiful Autumn’s weekend,
soak it all in, !
and I promise to be more consistent with posting!
Note: Did you know we sold our little cottage, the goal is to buy another, a bit larger to better accommodate our family, though lately, we’ve been crazy busy…
Go to the Fair, eat a fritter!!!