Ironstone and Willow and pumpkins, oh my!
Oh my, (as in All Mine), is right!
All of the items in the above photo are from Auctions, all were overlooked, passed over and dismissed by other shoppers, until I came along.
The possibilities of what they could or should be used for overwhelmed me and drove me to hold my little number up, bidding on both the blue plastic box of Blue Willow China and the ironstone as well.
A Ten-dollar bill bought it all.
A few years ago, my Mr. and I were at a farm auction, when I spotted a large mound of discolored and stained Seed sacks…some creature had “nested” in the mound of sacks, I don’t even want to know “what” it was!
Clorox and hot water erased their presence forever.
I now use them to make a primitive style of pumpkins, to sell each fall.

Photo: A green, blue and white seed-sack pumpkin with a blue and white grain-sack pumpkin.
Where do you shop to find treasured pieces for your home?
When I want seasonal items, such as throw pillows for the beds or sofas, candles in a seasonal scent, wicker baskets or wood cutting boards, HomeGoods, Wal-Mart or Target, also Marshall’s and TJ Maxx are my go-to’s.
I want unique, storied pieces as decor.
I want people to say, “what is that” ?
“where did you find that?”
or “I’ve never seen that before!”
Now, to avoid living in a Museum of Weird, I stay in a time period that I like, a color theme that I don’t stray from, even for the holidays, and I always love a good story behind a piece that I display. Simply stated, I like the mix of old with new, with a few sentimental items selected because of sweet memories or interesting stories.
Whatever your personal style may be, I hope that you “stop in” the next time you pass an auction house, garage sale, or barn sale to see what you may find. Also, remember that what you’re looking at may be used in a new way; “repurposing”, rescuing and restoring an item is the recycler’s motto and the creative’s dream.
Which one are you?
I have a few remaining seed sacks, and will continue making pumpkins until the material runs out…
I’ve touched each seed sack so many times that wherever they end up, I grin a little, knowing that I’m now a part of their “story”.
Soon, I’ll share a how-to video on Instagram and FaceBook on making a pumpkin of your own…would you like that?
Stay in the stories to catch the date!
Keep creating lovely,