Welcome January.
Welcome 2025, we’re expecting great things from you!
I suppose you’re wondering why you’re looking at a photo of a tiny bird, a sparrow.
I’ve long had a love of and fascination for birds, not really all birds, but the tiny brown sparrow has always been my favorite. The fact that they are mentioned in the Bible is just a bonus!
And how does a small sparrow fit into January’s plan?
When I think of the new year approaching, the many aspects of it all, I realize there is fear in the uncertainty of life. People want to know; they want to plan and prepare for whatever may come their way. There is a saying, from whom, I don’t remember, that states, “We cower at the threshold of change.”
Unlike any new year that I can remember, this year has so many people shaken. Disease, poverty, job loss or instability, the fuel prices, the supply chain, vaccinations, mandates, our children ‘s education, or lack of education, company’s closing due to a lack of products or employees, empty shelves at the grocery stores…. did I forget anything? I’m sure you can add more to the list!
Oddly enough, I have not jumped on to the “panic wagon”! I’m well aware of the discontent and worries from people around me. Perhaps they’re younger, and new to a life uncertain, unplanned and unexpected.
I understand.
I also know that, like the tiny sparrow, God himself is keeping an eye on me, and on you too, my friend!
Come what may, I believe with all that is in me, that we are loved, cherished and protected. This is how He cares for the sparrow, and the Scripture says, “and I know He watches me.”
How Great is His Love for Us!
My New Year’s wish for you all, is that I hope you can accept that Love for yourself. I want you to know His Peace in your life. Remember, God is greater than the world, than Satan himself, we have nothing to fear. Nothing.
Many Blessings and Happy New Year!
Note: A formal newsletter will be written for January 2022, featuring DIY and home decor projects here at my home. Millwork and wallpaper, with new light fixtures is the goal!
Easy crafts, recipes for comfort, and cozy decor tips.
Oh, we can’t forget Valentine’s Day…..only 6 weeks to get ready! Tablescapes coming soon!!