I just have to confess this right now..
I may live in the suburbs, but my heart is in the country, especially during the Summer.
Is it just me?
Do you find peeling paint, missing shutters, rusty tin roofs, and collapsed porches appealing?
I do! I do!! Raise your hand!
When I see a white farmhouse at the end of a long lane in the country….
I swear I just want to run up, give them $10.00 and beg for a tour!
I want to be up close. I want to take in every architectural detail. I want to find the squeaky floor boards on the porch, and slam the screen door shut!
I want to slowly stroll through the garden, and pop cherry tomatoes in my mouth like candy!
( You KNOW nothing is better than that!!)
I want to feed little animals, climb over fences, and chase chickens through the yard!
I suppose my extreme exuberance has kept me from having any tours, or even being invited to
“sit a spell”.
I can only dream of my farmhouse, the one alone at the end of the lane, aging in silence….
Waiting….for me…… I WILL FIND YOU….
And, when I do, I’m making you HOME!
The above photo is my father, and Penny, our dog: standing in front of the summer kitchen behind my Grandparents’ farmhouse, my first home.