photo by Liz Marie Galvin.
A peck of pumpkins, in softened tones of clay and white…who knew neutrals would be so perfect on a Jack-o-lantern?
I love neutrals, especially in unexpected places. The addition of white shades and softens the traditional orange-clay color, creating a “new” soothing-to-the-eye pumpkin. Adding the dried hydrangeas, naturally browned with the white chalk dust on the chalkboard pulls it all together, into one festive and relaxing view.
Those smiling pumpkins also reminded me that I have a Dentist appointment this afternoon!!!!
So, are you team neutral in your decor, no matter the season?
Or do you pull out the warmer tones for certain seasons or holidays?
How about this option…what if you do both?!!
That, my friend, would be me!
Not having a touch of red or greens for Christmas, would be like having Christmas at the beach. No matter how much I love the beach, the lack of evergreens and red wooly socks leaves me wanting to head north, or at least halfway north, to traditional decor for the holidays. Snow instead of sand for me!
Note: just enough snow for a great “white Christmas” photo, an inch or two will do! Then I’m fine with it melting away for good:)
A wood bowl filled with fuzzy yarn-covered pumpkins, soft, neutral tones and texture to boot! Don’t you love the simplicity of this bowl filled with softened colors of the season?
Another way to lighten or soften your traditional Halloween or Fall decor, is to use the same type of decor, (for example, pumpkins for Halloween) in different colors. I believe the best “finished” look for any holiday decor, in your home, is when you coordinate the holiday decor with the existing color scheme within your home.
Also, here’s a thought…
Hobby Lobby almost always discounts its prices for all items for the “upcoming” season or holiday. Wal-Mart, Dollar General, your grocery store and Target are always a season ahead as well, though the best value for your dollar, is almost always Hobby Lobby.
I’m not working with them or for them when I say this, but I owned a small shop years ago, and lived on the retail calendar, for example, on July 5 I tore everything out of the shop, and restocked with all Halloween decor, and fall in general. I could run to Hobby Lobby before the fourth of July and buy everything I needed to stock my shop at 60% savings or more. It was a life saver for me!
Who would turn down a discount?
Not this girl!
White exposed-seams pumpkins, one of my favorite styles of handcrafted pumpkins.
Another light and bright neutral, is my white pumpkins that I made a couple of years ago, to sell, sold all but three which is what I brought home to use in my own decor every year.
Remember when the stores started selling real white pumpkins?
Not only were they hard to find, but cost a fortune when you did find them!
Eventually, as they became wildly popular, the prices dropped as growers became more competitive in their pricing. Noting their popularity, I decided to add white pumpkins to my repertoire of handmade pumpkins to sell. They sold off the shelves!
White pumpkins, like white decor I believe is so wildly popular because it’s so versatile in your home. White easily stands alone as a soft or light neutral, can make a design statement of its own or can be an accent as well, it also easily mixes with other colors. What could be more perfect?
One little last splash of white, little white pumpkins join a grain sack pumpkin sitting in a field of greens!
My friend, enjoy your day,
enjoy your home…may it be warm and cozy,
and enjoy this new season,